Strategies based on remarketing List - How to create different type of Remarketing List

Remarketing  campaign depends on your business goals and the types of customers that you'd like to reach.

Strategies based on remarketing List-

1. Reach all your website visitors -

The most basic way to remarket is to reach all the visitors to your website. This means that anyone who visits your website can see your remarketing ads.
To create a remarketing list to reach all the visitors to your website, create a remarketing list where the URL contains your website domain (for example, "") or the URL equals your homepage URL (for example, "").
2. Showcase different product categories-
To showcase your different product categories, create a remarketing list for each product category where the URL for each list contains the category name.
Example-Tash owns an online clothing store and would like to show different remarketing ads to customers shopping for men's apparel and customers shopping for women's apparel.
He creates an ad that appears for customers who browsed her "Men's Apparel" page and a different ad for customers who browsed the "women's Apparel" page.

3. Appeal to visitors who didn't convert (Remarketing through Google Analytics)
If your website attracted visitors who didn't convert, you can set up a remarketing list to attract those customers back to your website.
Custom combination lists can help you target visitors who left your website before converting, while excluding any visitors who did convert. If you already have a list targeting all visitors to your website, create a remarketing list for visitors who have already completed a conversion on your website. Then, set up your custom combination list to exclude visitors who already converted.
Example-College website attracts a lot of visitors but wants to reach the visitors who didn't fill out a form requesting more information. The university uses a custom combination list to reach visitors who didn't convert to keep those visitors aware of what the college offers.
4. Re-engage visitors with abandoned shopping carts (Remarketing through Google Analytics)
Sometimes people will place items in their online shopping carts without completing their purchase. Since these customers are often very close to making a purchasing decision, it can be a valuable opportunity to reach out to them and help them purchase.
To reach people who have put at least one item in the cart, create a list of customers who have visited your "Shopping Cart" page (for example, the URL contains "cart.asp") and a second list of people who completed their purchase and visited an "Order Confirmation" page (for example, the URL contains "purchase.asp"). Then, use a custom combination list to remarket to people who have visited the "Shopping Cart" page but not the "Order Confirmation" page.
Example-Tash runs an online electronics store. He finds that her customers put big ticket items in their shopping carts but don't always complete their purchases. Tash decides to set up a remarketing campaign to attract these customers back to his store and hopefully complete the sale.
5. Up-sell or cross-sell to existing customers (Remarketing through uploading email list)
Customers who have already purchased items from your website may also be interested in complementary products or services that you offer.
By creating a list of "converted customers," you'll reach a smaller group of your website visitors, but these customers will already be familiar with and interested in your business. Be sure to customize your ads for this group.

You can also create remarketing lists for certain products. If customers have viewed certain items and then made a purchase, you could show them ads for another related product.

Example -Tash owns a gardening supply store and wants to reach customers who already viewed the plant seeds section from his store and then made a purchase. He knows customers who purchased plant seeds are often interested in plant food products, so he sets up a remarketing campaign to advertise these related products to those existing customers.

6. Reach customers within a certain time period after they completed a purchase 
If you anticipate that customers are likely to purchase from your business within a certain time period after their initial interactions, you can create a remarketing list with a specific membership duration.
To reach customers who made a purchase within the last 30 to 90 days, create two remarketing lists: one with a 30-day duration and one with a 90-day duration. Then use a custom combination list to reach all customers on the 90-day list, but not the 30-day list.
Example-Tash owns a video game website. He knows that customers who buy a gaming console from his site often buy more games 30-90 days later, but those who exceed the 90-day duration are unlikely to make another purchase. Mark decides to set up a remarketing campaign to sell video games to all customers who bought a console 30-90 days ago.
