Campaign Level Targeting - Remarketing Strategies

1. Broaden your location and language targeting

Remarketing can help you reach your ideal customers, you should be able to show them ads no matter where they are on the web. Your website visitors may be multi-lingual and may access your website from around the world, so make sure that in your campaign settings you select to target all languages.
When you choose your location targeting, keep in mind that you should be able serve customers in the regions you target.

2. Extend the membership duration of your lists to reach more visitors

Increasing the duration of your list (for example, from 30 to 60 day) allows you to engage with people who visit your website within the specified time period. In most cases, the longer the duration, the more users you'll have on your list.

3. Decrease the duration of the list to get only the most recent visitors

To potentially increase conversions from your list, you could decrease its membership duration to get only the most recent visitors. However, decreasing the duration could limit the number of potential customers you're able to reach.

4. Cap the number of times your visitors can see your ads

Frequency cap limits the number of times a person is exposed to an ad per day, which could reduce your impressions.

5. Schedule ads for when your visitors are likely to see them

Ad scheduling lets you specify certain hours or days of the week when you want your ads to show so that you can reach your customers while they're awake and online to see your ads.

6. Accelerate ad delivery so visitors see your ads sooner after coming to your site

Accelerated delivery tries to show your ads more quickly until your budget is reached. With this option, you'll be able to reach people on your list and deliver your ads as soon as your customers are browsing the Display Network
